Experience cuddly toy ducks like never before: Fluffy friendship that waddles - Quacky companions for all chatterbox friends
The Ducks of the Carl Dick Collection: More Than Just Feathers
Welcome to the wonderful world of cuddly toy ducks from the Carl Dick Collection. These plush toys are not only cute and cuddly but also offer a hefty dose of humour and entertainment. The question of what you can do with a duck answers itself after a glance at our shop at www.plueschtier.de. There, you'll find stuffed animal ducks in all sorts of positions, from lying down to sitting and even completely silly poses that are sure to make you laugh.Interesting Facts About Live Ducks
Ducks are fascinating creatures with a variety of interesting traits. Did you know, for example, that ducks have a special system to stay warm in the water? Their feet are almost nerve- and blood vessel-free, meaning they don't lose heat and can comfortably paddle around even in icy water. Additionally, they have a special oil gland at the base of their tail, whose secretion they rub into their feathers to stay waterproof. Clever little creatures, these ducks.The Love Life of Mallards: A Romantic Quackery
The love life of mallards could come straight from a soap opera. Courtship begins in the spring when drakes perform impressive flight manoeuvres and loud quacking to attract the attention of females. Once a drake has piqued a lady's interest, he presents himself in all his glory: head held high, chest out, and feathers flared. But the romance isn't always lasting. Mallards are known for frequently changing partners and sometimes even straying. A tumultuous love life, where things are always lively.Ducks in the News: Still Quacking or Already Writing?
Imagine reading the morning paper and stumbling upon a headline like "Alien Discovered in Allotment Garden – Garden Gnome Was a Witness." – Congratulations, you've fallen for a newspaper hoax. This duck is like the class clown of the news world: always good for a laugh, but in reality, it has no more substance than a chocolate bunny after Easter.Did You Know...
...that ducks can make up to 16 different sounds?...that there are over 120 different species of ducks worldwide?
...that ducks, like humans, can dream in a sort of REM sleep phase?
...that ducks were considered sacred animals in ancient times?
...that ducks have an excellent memory and can remember places and faces?